Test Access

You would like to try SmartChange at no obligation? Then register here for a free test access.

Simply fill out the form and you will immediately receive an e-mail with your personal access data to one of our pre-configured test systems. To help you get started, we have outlined some First Steps for you below:

If you have any questions, I am happy to help.

Best regards

Senior SAP Consultant

Get going:

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Ready to go?
Follow these simple steps:

  1. Register for a free trial using the form above (one time valid).
  2. You will receive an e-mail with your access data and a link to the test system.
  3. Log into the test system (development system ES1) with your access data.

You can then begin exploring SmartChange Transport Management as shown in the demo video or as described below.


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First steps in the test system

Open transaction /N/RTC/TM

Open the transaction /N/RTC/TM and then click the “Monitor” button:

SmartChange Testumgebung Startbild

Central overview of all transports

In the central dashboard of all transports, you can now see the number of transports per stage and status on the left:

  • Status “Queue” means that a shipment is not yet in the approval process. Note: This status is not relevant for the test environment.
  • The status “Signature” contains all transports that are pending approval for the respective stage.
  • The status “Current” contains all transports that have already been completely approved (professionally and technically) and are waiting for the next import job for the respective system.
Transport Manager Testumgebung Transportübersicht

Approve transports

Transports with the status “Signature” can be approved by selecting them and clicking on the “Make approval” button: SmartChange then performs a quality check of the transport for any collisions etc. (automatic quality checks).

Transport Manager Testumgebung Transportegenehmigung

Check for possible collisions etc.

If Critical Objects, Special Aspects, Collisions (e.g. outruns) and/or Dependencies are detected for a transport, a pop-up window will appear showing the various check criteria (e.g. collision check):

Transport Manager Testumgebung Kollisionsprüfung

After confirming all check criteria, you can now approve the transport(s) by clicking on the “Approve” button:

Transport Manager Testumgebung Nach Kollisionsprüfung

Transport import

After approval, the transport changes to “Current” status. The blue diamond in the “Imported” field indicates that the transport is now imported. Note: In the test environment, import jobs are always executed every minute (default setting).

Transport Manager Testumgebung Transporte-Import

After successful import

After the import has been completed, the marker changes (green square): Note: Once the import has been completed, the transport is automatically moved to the next stage in the “Signature” status by a switcher job (e.g. from the “Quality” stage and “Current” status to the “Production” stage and “Signature” status). This enables automated deployment of developments.

Transport Manager Testumgebung Nach dem Import

Audit-proof documentation

After marking transports and selecting the “Request LifeCycle” button, you receive an audit-proof summary of all relevant information:

Transport Manager Testumgebung Request Report
Transport Manager Testumgebung Transporte-Doku