Landscape Discovery for SAP

Put an end to endless research: Collect important information about your SAP systems with just one click.

Auto-discovery of your entire SAP landscape

With Landscape Discovery for SAP, in addition to the infrastructure data of your SAP systems, you also automatically record all important software configuration parameters in a central location: the SmartCMDB. With just one click, you receive essential information on the SAP systems, their instances, products and components – always up to date. This will save yourself time-consuming research as part of an upcoming rollout or audit. And: You are up to 80 percent faster at resolving problems.

  • Comprehensive discovery for SAP
    Transparent display of all hardware and software data of your SAP landscape
  • System information always up to date
    Continuous synchronization of the SAP landscape for up-to-date information on an ongoing basis
  • Reporting and BI integration
    Easy evaluation of data (baselining, impact analyses), also with connection to common ITSM tools

Demo-Video: Just one click, that’s it!

In this video we show you how to set up the Landscape Discovery for SAP, run your first system assessment and process the discovered data properly.


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